Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Part of the Master's Plan

God has a wonderful plan for each person's life! Jim and Marilyn (Calvary) have known John since he was a high school student in Africa. His father and mother were members of the tribe that the Ericksons worked with for many years. God blessed John and his family with a good education. Several years ago, John graduated from Seminary in Africa and desired to pursue further education. He was chosen by his church synod overseas to come to the USA for a higher degree. In June, he recieved his Master's degree.
John receiving his diploma: his Master's in Divinity
The proud and happy graduate!
Barbara (a friend) was the proud photographer.
Jim and John
Some of the excited and happy friends that were able to attend the graduation ceremony.
John has now returned to his home and family to follow God's leading as he serves the Master.

God's richest blessings on you John!

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