Thursday, May 1, 2008

District Meeting 2008

On the weekend of March 1st, the district held its 23rd annual district meeting. Calvary Community Church in Fullerton, CA. hosted the event this year.
Friday evening was a time of worship and fellowship. After a time of singing, each church in the district gave reports of praise and prayer regarding the issues they are facing. It was so exciting to hear about the continued progress being made at The Rock, (Chandler) still a "new" on-campus work reaching young adults. We were also thankful to hear about the ministry that Pastor Forrest and Julie have given to the Living Word community of believers. We pray that the Lord will guide Living Word in their search for another pastor.
Pastor Jim (left) reported on the work at Fullerton (see additional pictures below), and the ongoing ministries there. Pastor Terry (Yuma) gave an exciting report on the many avenues of outreach his church has had over the past year. The new church building is near completion and we await the news of the dedication of their new building.
District gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to share with each other some of the joys and concerns from our churches.
On Saturday morning, Dr. Jonathan Lunde, professor at Biola and Talbot School of Theology, gave a teaching seminar on Discipleship in the New Covenant. The first hour he discussed the nature of a covenant and its demands. The two underlying questions that were answered during the seminar were: "Because I've been saved by grace, why should I be concerned to obey Jesus' commands when He has fulfilled the law for me?" Secondly, "How can I obey Jesus' commands without becoming weighed down by legalism?"
One truth that was stated loudly and clearly was that God desires His people to be a righteous people who reflect His righteous character. God's grace is indeed very deep--but that does not diminish His demands of rightousness in His children. The world is NOT seeing Jesus in us, we should allow God's character to tranform us.
During the morning break, the women that were present at the district meeting gathered at the parsonage for an informal meeting.
The district president, Delvina, gave a brief update of the plans for the PSW District Women's retreat coming in April.
Some ladies also participated in a skit advertising the upcoming retreat. President Steve led the business sessions following Dr Lunde's seminar. Our district has been richly blessed by the presence of our African pastors Jean Mberebe (above) and Blaise Beboua and his wife Barbara. Their insight and wisdom are appreciated.
We had a unique situation at this particular conference. Eleven of the people in attendance had spent time in Africa (one third of the attendees)! The above three adults (plus Forrest, who had already left) grew up in Africa as missionary children. Missionary Kids (MK's) have a special bond that lasts forever.
Meanwhile at Calvary, over in the main sanctuary, Kevin was hard at work replacing the carpet in the church entryway. After tearing out the old carpet and cleaning off the floor, he and his crew were ready to lay the new flooring.
The finished look is wonderful! Thanks Kevin (and crew) for your hard work!