Monday, May 10, 2010

Women's Retreat 2010

On April 16-18 our district held the annual Womens' Retreat again at Calvary Chapel Conference Center in Murrieta Hot Springs. In this beautiful and relaxing setting, we truly were refreshed.
Winding pathways to walk, visit, pray, meditate...

gently, bubbling springs...
the hot springs to enjoy each evening...
delicious meals prepared and elegantly served, lovely centerpieces that graced our tables...
and creative table favors crafted for our enjoyment.
Those were just a few of the many blessings that came our way as we joined together in this upper room- from two different states and several different congregations-one district, gathered to hear about "Living Inside Out."
Our president, Judith, led the sessions
Our retreat speaker, Cheryl, shared from several biblical texts. On Friday evening, she shared from Genesis chapter 1-3 and asked us to be open and free, to look inside of ourselves and see who we really are and allow the creator God to make us into the kind of woman He wants us to be.
On Saturday, Cheryl challenged us in the morning session to live inside out within our inner circle, those that we are closest to-- our family, our friends and the family of God. She used the story of Naomi and Ruth: Naomi, who was "empty" and bitter against God for all the pain and hardship she had endured, and how Ruth "poured" herself into Naomi's life and turned her focus toward God, who then could fill Naomi's life with joy again. In the evening session, we learned from the life of Jonah how to reach beyond our comfort zone and live inside out in the outer circle: our acquaintances and all those people that God puts in our path or lays on our heart.
Dorothy led the women in worship and praise, admonishing us to fix our eyes on Jesus, and to present our lives to God to be made into a holy, living sanctuary.
We enjoyed the beautiful flowers everywhere...
the soothing waters, and the quiet of a small chapel.
On Sunday morning, we were challenged by our speaker to live way outside the box! From James 1 we heard about being willing to be used by God, to dare to be open before God and do whatever He asks of us in the coming year.
Retreat is a wonderful time to share: answers to prayer...
prayer requests...
and to strengthen friendships.
Free time offered opportunities for playing games...
checking out the auction items...
"Blanket blessings" a quilting project...
beading, or just relaxing or even shopping.
On Saturday evening, we enjoyed a time of laughter and fun, hosted by Sharon.
Each church group presented a skit, both thought-provoking and funny.
Even a bit of music and dance! (thanks Barbara!)
A reminder that we are all aging...
and that we need to "cast all our cares on Jesus!"
The special treat on Sunday morning was a concert performed by the Christian family.
Following God's leading, this teacher-turned mom- has adopted 17 children from all over the world. She led her family in testimony though songs and scripture.
Each child radiated the joy of Lord!
The family's motto: "this is what we do best--love the babies, the children, and anybody else who needs us!"
This woman and her husband are living examples of our theme for the weekend, Living Inside Out!
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Women's Retreat 2009

Last weekend our annual district Women's Retreat was held. Our theme this year was "Endurance." A record number of women attended this year's event which was held at the beautiful Calvary Chapel Conference Center in Murrieta, CA. Not only did we enjoy a time of spiritual refreshment and renewal, we also enjoyed making new friends and renewing old aquaintances. Laughter and tears bonded us together as sisters in Christ. It was a great weekend!
In this beautiful and relaxing setting, we were daily challenged from God's Word. In the Friday evening session, Kelly spoke to us about "God's Enduring Love." (1John 4:7-8) She reminded us about the vastness of God's love--that He loved us even before we repented of our sins; that God authors love--for He is love! She reminded us repeatedly that we can do nothing to deserve God's enduring love, we just need to receive it. And, as believers in Jesus, we are to be committed to Jesus, God's dear Son, and only then will we truly begin to know how to love. On Saturday morning, Kelly shared with us about "The Enduring Word." She told us of the importance of knowing God through His Word. The Bible--God's enduring Word-- is the mind of God on printed pages! God desires for us to know Him, to fellowship with Him, to comfort us, to teach us through His Word. Drawing near to God is not an option for the believer, it is a necessity--a discipline! We should pattern our life after that of Mary, one of an unspoken word--just sitting at Jesus' feet and listening and learning from Him.

On Saturday evening, Kelly talked about "Enduring Prayer." In this moving session, she led the entire group in a concert of prayer. Psalm 27:8 says, "My heart has heard you say, 'Come and talk with me.' And my heart responds, 'Lord, I am coming.' "

As Kelly recited the names of God-- written on a long scroll-- God began to reveal to us his holy attributes, and we responded in praise and adoration. But as we were led into the very presence of a Holy God, we bowed in humility and repentance and unworthiness. Not only did we confess our personal sins, but those of our families and our nation. We closed our time of prayer together in thanksgiving for what God has done for us through redemption, and also in interceding for those who are still resisting God's saving grace.In our final session, on Sunday morning, Kelly spoke from Hebrews 11:1 on "Enduring Faith." She told of the saints of old who walked faithfully with God regardless of the consequences. Once again, we were reminded that being convinced of who God is, helps us walk in faith through the good times and the bad. All the saints of old had two things in common: they knew the Word of God, and they knew the God of the Word!

Kelly challenged us:

  1. to know Jesus--to listen to Him, to abide in Him
  2. to be desperate for the living God, to be passionate about prayer
  3. to stop dwelling on the past--to start walking by faith because of what Jesus has done for us
  4. to live in the power of God's grace--to REJOICE!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Preparing for a Tea Party (slideshow #1)

Calvary Women's Ministry hosted a Tea Party for the women of our churches in California. It was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. Enjoy the slideshow!

The Tea Party (slideshow #2)

All of the hard work and preparations were well worth it! With soothing, beautiful music in the background, the ladies had a wonderful time together at the tea party. Enjoy the slideshow of this event.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Part of the Master's Plan

God has a wonderful plan for each person's life! Jim and Marilyn (Calvary) have known John since he was a high school student in Africa. His father and mother were members of the tribe that the Ericksons worked with for many years. God blessed John and his family with a good education. Several years ago, John graduated from Seminary in Africa and desired to pursue further education. He was chosen by his church synod overseas to come to the USA for a higher degree. In June, he recieved his Master's degree.
John receiving his diploma: his Master's in Divinity
The proud and happy graduate!
Barbara (a friend) was the proud photographer.
Jim and John
Some of the excited and happy friends that were able to attend the graduation ceremony.
John has now returned to his home and family to follow God's leading as he serves the Master.

God's richest blessings on you John!

A Huge Step of Faith

Immanuel Church has taken a huge step of faith! They are raising funds for a well project in Africa. This small group of dedicated people have been praying and planning and raising money for the past many months and God is blessing and using them.
Because of his past experience in working with these types of projects, Jim was called on to give advice and insight.
Pastor Steve and Pastor Jim were collegues in Africa and continue to share their love for the peoples of those countries, and their desire to see these nations develop both spiritually and economically.
Immanuel Church has appreciated the help and concern of Pastor John as he has shared his heart for his homeland. His love for the Lord and the Word of God have strengthened the hearts of his fellow church members at Immanuel. We wish him God's blessings as he returns home.