Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Preparing for a Tea Party (slideshow #1)

Calvary Women's Ministry hosted a Tea Party for the women of our churches in California. It was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. Enjoy the slideshow!

The Tea Party (slideshow #2)

All of the hard work and preparations were well worth it! With soothing, beautiful music in the background, the ladies had a wonderful time together at the tea party. Enjoy the slideshow of this event.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Part of the Master's Plan

God has a wonderful plan for each person's life! Jim and Marilyn (Calvary) have known John since he was a high school student in Africa. His father and mother were members of the tribe that the Ericksons worked with for many years. God blessed John and his family with a good education. Several years ago, John graduated from Seminary in Africa and desired to pursue further education. He was chosen by his church synod overseas to come to the USA for a higher degree. In June, he recieved his Master's degree.
John receiving his diploma: his Master's in Divinity
The proud and happy graduate!
Barbara (a friend) was the proud photographer.
Jim and John
Some of the excited and happy friends that were able to attend the graduation ceremony.
John has now returned to his home and family to follow God's leading as he serves the Master.

God's richest blessings on you John!

A Huge Step of Faith

Immanuel Church has taken a huge step of faith! They are raising funds for a well project in Africa. This small group of dedicated people have been praying and planning and raising money for the past many months and God is blessing and using them.
Because of his past experience in working with these types of projects, Jim was called on to give advice and insight.
Pastor Steve and Pastor Jim were collegues in Africa and continue to share their love for the peoples of those countries, and their desire to see these nations develop both spiritually and economically.
Immanuel Church has appreciated the help and concern of Pastor John as he has shared his heart for his homeland. His love for the Lord and the Word of God have strengthened the hearts of his fellow church members at Immanuel. We wish him God's blessings as he returns home.


Pastor Henry, visitation pastor at Calvary CC, just celebrated his 89th birthday. Praise God for the many lives that have been touched by this godly man and his precious wife Shirley, and for the many years of ministry God has blessed them with! And no, he does not plan to retire any time soon!

Memorial Day weekend visitors

On Memorial Day weekend, several of the youth group members from Living Word made the long journey to Fullerton for their annual "outing." The group was a bit smaller this year, but they all had fun--in spite of the cooler, rainy weather they encountered in southern California!
On Sunday morning, the group joined the worshippers at Calvary. They presented a skit for the audience about friendship and practicing the love of Jesus to others that come into your life. The acting was superb and the message of the skit was loud and clear!
They also shared a song with the group. Great job, kids! CalvaryCC is already looking forward to the next visit from Living Word.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

District Meeting 2008

On the weekend of March 1st, the district held its 23rd annual district meeting. Calvary Community Church in Fullerton, CA. hosted the event this year.
Friday evening was a time of worship and fellowship. After a time of singing, each church in the district gave reports of praise and prayer regarding the issues they are facing. It was so exciting to hear about the continued progress being made at The Rock, (Chandler) still a "new" on-campus work reaching young adults. We were also thankful to hear about the ministry that Pastor Forrest and Julie have given to the Living Word community of believers. We pray that the Lord will guide Living Word in their search for another pastor.
Pastor Jim (left) reported on the work at Fullerton (see additional pictures below), and the ongoing ministries there. Pastor Terry (Yuma) gave an exciting report on the many avenues of outreach his church has had over the past year. The new church building is near completion and we await the news of the dedication of their new building.
District gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to share with each other some of the joys and concerns from our churches.
On Saturday morning, Dr. Jonathan Lunde, professor at Biola and Talbot School of Theology, gave a teaching seminar on Discipleship in the New Covenant. The first hour he discussed the nature of a covenant and its demands. The two underlying questions that were answered during the seminar were: "Because I've been saved by grace, why should I be concerned to obey Jesus' commands when He has fulfilled the law for me?" Secondly, "How can I obey Jesus' commands without becoming weighed down by legalism?"
One truth that was stated loudly and clearly was that God desires His people to be a righteous people who reflect His righteous character. God's grace is indeed very deep--but that does not diminish His demands of rightousness in His children. The world is NOT seeing Jesus in us, we should allow God's character to tranform us.
During the morning break, the women that were present at the district meeting gathered at the parsonage for an informal meeting.
The district president, Delvina, gave a brief update of the plans for the PSW District Women's retreat coming in April.
Some ladies also participated in a skit advertising the upcoming retreat. President Steve led the business sessions following Dr Lunde's seminar. Our district has been richly blessed by the presence of our African pastors Jean Mberebe (above) and Blaise Beboua and his wife Barbara. Their insight and wisdom are appreciated.
We had a unique situation at this particular conference. Eleven of the people in attendance had spent time in Africa (one third of the attendees)! The above three adults (plus Forrest, who had already left) grew up in Africa as missionary children. Missionary Kids (MK's) have a special bond that lasts forever.
Meanwhile at Calvary, over in the main sanctuary, Kevin was hard at work replacing the carpet in the church entryway. After tearing out the old carpet and cleaning off the floor, he and his crew were ready to lay the new flooring.
The finished look is wonderful! Thanks Kevin (and crew) for your hard work!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Women's Retreat 2008

On April 11-13 the women of our district gathered together at the Pine Valley Bible Conference Center for their annual women's retreat. Set back in the mountains, the setting was rustic and relaxing. There was plenty of time for renewing friendships and making new friends, for hiking and also horseback riding, for playing games, for praying and singing, and for being nurtured from the Word of God.
Some of the ladies traveled many hours to come to the retreat, others had a shorter drive.
This proved to be one of the places of great memories! In this building, the women enjoyed delicious food and wonderful fellowship. At every meal, the ladies were treated to a fun little favor that co-ordinated with the weekend theme "Walk As Jesus Walked."There was even a cute little coffee shop ("Altitude") that was open early in the morning for those ladies who needed that jolt of java upon awakening.The women spent many hours in this building as they sang and prayed together, and listened to the teaching on the theme "Walk As Jesus Walked" from Mark 4. The guest speaker for the weekend was Casey Baardson. She challenged us to get to know Jesus intimately so that we can walk as He walked--to read and study the Word of God, to sit under the preaching and teaching of the Word so that we will be able to discern God's will for our lives.
Fear can often paralize us, but we were reminded once again that God only calls us to do something that He can do through us. Walking with Jesus is a step by step journey; He goes before us and never asks us to go where He has not already been.
Ruth Vallevik (left), the director of National Women's Ministries, also spoke at the retreat. She presented a seminar on developing women for leadership, and gave the women a report on the activities of women's ministries at the national level.Casey told the women, "God meets you right where you are, because He loves you and wants to lead you. He sees beyond your circumstances and wants to astound you with what He wants to do through you!"
The worship team (from Calvary and Immanuel) led the group in praise
Prayer partners for the coming year were chosen, and the women paired off and enjoyed a time of intercessory prayer for each other.
This year, the women elected a new president, Judy Paulson (left), and celebrated the wonderful service that the outgoing president, Delvina, had given to the district.
On Friday evening, the ladies enjoyed a time of fun at the "Pajama and Slipper Party."
Some of the slippers were quite creative!
Others were quite practical... It was all part of the theme of "walking."
All of the churches brought items for the silent auction to raise money for women's ministries. This project was very successful, and not only was a good amount of money raised, but many women went home as "happy shoppers!"
Of course, no retreat is complete without laughter and fun! On Saturday evening each church group presented a skit.
The "coffee mug" party
The very talented Faye gave her rendition of Rindercella...
"Blest be the ties" that bind...
Laughter is good medicine for all of us, and the women certainly enjoyed exercising their "smiling" muscles during this night of fun!
On Sunday morning, the whole group participated in a drama of scripture and song that was written and directed by Ruth entitled "Faithwalk." The christian can be hindered in his/her relationship to God by many obstacles: our natural blindness, our own reason, our dull hearing, our will, fatigue and time pressure, our sins...
...fears, false teachers, lack of knowledge, distractions. But if we will let Him, Jesus tenderly comes alongside us to open our eyes and ears to give us understanding; He carries our burdens, cleanses us from sin; teaches us the truth (by His Word), calms our fears and walks lovingly beside us all the way to eternity.

There were forty-three women in attendance at this year's event. Now, everyone start planning and saving for next year!